External Sector

Exports, Imports and Trade

Exports - Annual (1990 to Latest)

Exports - Monthly (2006 to Latest)

Imports - Annual (1990 to Latest)

Imports - Monthly (2006 to Latest)

Trade Indices - Annual (1990 to Latest)

Trade Indices - Monthly (2006 to Latest)


Balance of Payments

Balance of Payments (BPM5 Basis) - Annual (1995 to 2011)

Balance of Payments (BPM5 Basis) - Quarterly (2001 to 2011)

Balance of Payments (BPM6 Basis) - Annual (2012 to Latest)

Balance of Payments (BPM6 Basis) - Quarterly (2012 1Q to Latest)


International Investment Position

International Investment Position as at End Quarter (2014 3Q to Latest)

Co-ordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS) as at End Year (2013 to Latest)

International Sovereign Bonds (2009 to Latest)

Government Long Term Loans - Disbursements (2009 January to Latest)

Government Grants (2009 January to Latest)

Inflows to the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) - Secondary market (2009 January to Latest)

Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds Inflows (2009 January to Latest)


Earnings from Tourism

Earnings from Tourism (2009 January to Latest)


Workers' Remittances

Workers Remittances (2009 January to Latest)

Statistics on Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) Registrations by Month (2015 to Latest)

Passport Issuance by Department of Immigration and Emigration (2021 to Latest)


External Debt and Debt Servicing

Outstanding External Debt and Banking Sector External Liabilities (2012 Q4 to Latest)


Reserve Data

Reserve Data Template - Latest

Reserve Data Template - Historical