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NCPI based Inflation increased in September 2020

Headline inflation as measured by the yearon-year (Y-o-Y) change in the National Consumer Price Index (NCPI, 2013=100) increased to 6.4 per cent in September 2020 from 6.2 per cent in August 2020. This was driven by the monthly increases in prices of items in both Food and Non-food categories. Meanwhile, Food inflation (Y-o-Y) decreased to 12.7 per cent in September 2020 from 13.2 per cent in August 2020 due to the statistical effect of the high base prevailed in September 2019, whereas Non-food inflation (Y-o-Y) increased to 1.4 per cent in September 2020 from 1.1 per cent in August 2020.

Central Bank Approved 61,907 Loans Amounting to Rs. 178 billion through Saubagya COVID-19 Renaissance Facility

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka, as of 15th October 2020, approved 61,907 loan applications received from COVID-19 affected businesses. These applications were for a total of Rs. 177,954 million and registered under the three Phases of the Saubagya COVID-19 Renaissance Facility. So far, the Licensed Banks have released loans amounting to Rs. 133,192 million among 45,582 affected businesses island-wide (See Table 1 for details).

Sri Lanka Purchasing Managers’ Index - September 2020

Purchasing Managers' Indices for both Manufacturing and Services activities expanded in September

Manufacturing activities expanded at a higher rate in September 2020, compared to August 2020. This expansion in manufacturing PMI was mainly attributable to the increase in Production and New Orders, especially in manufacturing of food & beverages and textiles & wearing apparel sectors.

External Sector Performance - August 2020

Sri Lanka’s external sector continued to recover in relation to many aspects during August 2020, mainly supported by an improved trade deficit and a notable increase in workers’ remittances. The trade deficit improved on a year-on-year basis, with the reduction in merchandise imports due to regulatory restrictions on the importation of non-essential goods and lower crude oil prices, despite earnings from merchandise exports recording a year-on-year decline during the month. Nevertheless, the export performance remained strong for the third consecutive month in spite of the pandemic affected global demand. Meanwhile, workers’ remittances recorded a substantial growth in August 2020, strengthening the current account. In the financial account, marginal foreign investment outflows were recorded from the government securities market, while the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) also recorded some foreign investment outflows during the month.

Launch of the National LANKAQR initiative

The National LANKAQR Initiative “ රට පුරාම (Rata Puraama) LANKAQR” was launched on 5th October 2020 at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) by  Hon. Dr. Bandula Gunawardena, Minister of Trade as the Chief Guest, in the presence of Hon. Ajith Nivard Cabraal, State Minister of Money & Capital Market and State Enterprise Reforms, Hon. Lasantha Alagiyawanna, State Minister of Co-operative Services, Marketing Development and Consumer Protection, Hon. Shehan Semasinghe, State Minister of Samurdhi, Household Economy, Micro Finance, Self-Employment, Business Development and Underutilized State Resources Development, Governor of the CBSL, Deshamanya Prof. W D Lakshman, Members of the Monetary Board including Mr. S.R. Attygalle, Secretary to the Treasury, Ministry of Finance. Heads of several government departments, financial institutions, as well as leaders of the retail, health and media industries and representatives from Chambers of Commerce were also present.

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka Successfully Completes the Settlement of the Maturing International Sovereign Bond of US Dollars 1 Billion on Behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka

On 02 October 2020, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka successfully completed the settlement of the maturing International Sovereign Bond of US dollars 1 billion along with the due coupon payments, on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka.

This settlement reconfirms the Government’s unwavering commitment to honour its foreign liabilities, thereby bolstering investor confidence and dispelling any concerns foreign investors may have in relation to the Government’s ability and willingness to maintain its unblemished debt servicing record. The domestic foreign exchange market has already reacted positively to this settlement and other recent positive developments in the Sri Lankan economy. With the envisaged inflows to the domestic foreign exchange market supported by proactive measures taken by the Government and the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, the market sentiment is expected to further strengthen in the period ahead.
