

Monetary Law Act

Find information on Monetary Law Act.


Find information on Acts related to banking sector.


Find information on Acts related to non-banking sector.

Micro Finance

Find information on Acts related to micro finance sector.

Exchange Control

Find information on Acts related to exchange control.

Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

Find information on Acts related to employee provident fund.


Find information on other related acts.


Directions, Circulars and Guidelines


Find information on directions, circulars and guidelines related to banking sector.


Find information on directions, circulars and guidelines related to non-banking sector.

Exchange Control

Find information on directions, circulars and guidelines related to exchange control.

Payment and Settlement

Find information on directions, circulars and guidelines related to payments and settlement.

Domestic Operations

Find information on directions, circulars and guidelines related to domestic operations.

Public Debt

Find information on directions, circulars and guidelines related to public debt.


Licensing, Registration, Appointment and Authorisation Procedures


Download licensing, registration, appointment and authorisation procedures related to banks

Finance Company

Download licensing, registration, appointment and authorisation procedures related to banks

Leasing Establishment

Download licensing, registration, appointment and authorisation procedures related to banks

Primary Dealer

Download licensing, registration, appointment and authorisation procedures related to banks

Dealer in Foreign Exchange

Download licensing, registration, appointment and authorisation procedures related to banks