Middle Exchange Rate and Variation Margin
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 03.03.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 02.03.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 01.03.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 28.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 27.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 24.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 23.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 22.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 21.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 20.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 17.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 16.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 15.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 14.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 13.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 10.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 09.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 08.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 07.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 06.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 03.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 02.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 01.02.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 31.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 30.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 27.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 26.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 25.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 24.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 23.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 20.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 19.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 18.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 17.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 13.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 12.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 11.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 10.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 09.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 05.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 04.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 03.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 02.01.2023
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 30.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 29.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 28.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 27.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 23.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 22.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 21.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 20.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 19.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 16.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 15.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 14.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 13.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 12.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 09.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 08.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 06.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 05.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 02.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 01.12.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 30.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 29.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 28.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 25.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 24.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 23.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 22.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 21.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 18.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 17.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 16.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 15.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 14.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 11.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 10.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 09.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 08.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 04.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 03.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 02.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 01.11.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 31.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 28.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 27.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 26.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 25.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 21.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 20.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 19.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 18.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 17.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 14.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 13.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 12.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 11.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 07.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 06.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 05.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 04.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 03.10.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 30.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 29.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 28.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 27.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 26.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 23.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 22.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 21.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 20.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 19.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 16.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 15.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 14.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 13.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 12.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 09.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 08.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 07.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 06.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 05.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 02.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 01.09.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 31.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 30.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 29.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 26.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 25.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 24.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 23.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 22.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 19.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 18.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 17.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 16.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 15.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 12.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 10.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 09.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 08.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 05.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 04.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 03.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 02.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 01.08.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 29.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 28.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 27.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 26.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 25.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 22.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 21.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 20.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 19.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 18.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 15.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 14.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 12.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 11.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 08.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 07.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 06.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 05.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 04.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 01.07.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 30.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 29.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 28.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 27.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 24.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 23.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 22.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 21.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 20.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 17.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 16.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 15.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 13.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 10.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 09.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 08.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 07.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 06.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 03.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 02.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 01.06.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 31.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 30.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 27.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 26.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 25.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 24.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 23.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 20.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 19.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 18.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 17.05.2022
Middle Rate of USD/ LKR Spot Exchange Rate and Variation Margin on 13.05.2022